
Would you like to join CARF or renew your membership?

If you are a licensed radio amateur and profess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you may join CARF by completing a Membership Application and mailing it to the Secretary/Treasurer:

Brian Linn, KDØHII • 15529 R45 Hwy • Saint Charles, Iowa 50240

  • Please include a check for dues ($15 for one year or $50 for five years) payable to:
    Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship
  • New members are issued a permanent CARF number – which you need for registration on the website.
  • Active members can also setup a email account by contacting the webmaster.

Existing members may renew their membership the same way – simply fill out the Membership Application and mail it to the Secretary/Treasurer, including a check for your dues.

[CARF Membership Application]