by KD0HII | Mar 31, 2016 | News
CARFnews1603-Page1 CARF Members – login and go to the Members/Newsletters page to read the complete...
by KD0HII | Oct 7, 2015 | News
Upcoming Officer Election It is again that time of year when we elect officers to serve for the following year. Please keep an eye out for the ballot, which will soon be available. Once you receive it, remember to vote and return it to Herb Brewer, WA4HJB at the...
by KD0HII | Aug 21, 2014 | News
This has been an exciting year thus far for the Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship (CARF). It is a pleasure to serve as an officer and work alongside Cas (KF6CUE) and Bernie (KB0L). This is written to share with you what has transpired to date. Dayton Hamvention We...
by KD0HII | Aug 14, 2014 | News
After consideration and band condition testing, the Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship is pleased to begin holding a net thrice weekly on 40 meters. This will be held as a complement to our ongoing 75m net. It is believed that the characteristics of the 40m band and...
by KD0HII | Jun 3, 2014 | News
About Radio Chaski Located in Urubamba, Peru, just north of Cusco, Radio Chaski went on the air in 1992 as a shortwave station. Subsequently, both FM and AM stations were brought on line. Together, the three provide comprehensive coverage sharing the Gospel. In late...